What To Expect
FC Students meet most weeks throughout the year to play energetic games and activities, eat great food, and have an opportunity to explore the Bible and God — led by a team of trained and background-checked leaders.
Middle School Ministry (6-8th grade): Wednesdays 5:45-7:30pm
High School Ministry (9-12th grade) : Sundays 5-7 pm
Confirmation (7-8th grade): Sundays during 10am service

Summer 2025 High School Mission Trip
We’re thrilled to be traveling to Anchorage, Alaska for our 2025 High School mission trip!
Date: Monday, July 7 through Sunday, July 13 –> click HERE to register
Who: Students entering 9th grade through graduating 12th graders
Cost: Approximately $1200. A $100 deposit is required at registration to hold your spot. Space is limited! Contact leadership for more information on fundraising and church Outreach contributions.
Questions? Contact Youth Pastor Steve Cullum or Stacie Francis: steve@fclc.org, stacie@fclc.org

Come enjoy worship, friendship, games and activities as we serve locally together.
Sign up HERE
Read more information about the week HERE
Date: Sunday, June 22 through Wednesday, June 25
Cost: $150 includes: Devotional materials, food, lodging, serving supplies and all activities. $50 deposit is required to hold your spot. Scholarships are available! Please reach out to Steve or Stacie.

We’d love to connect with you!
Contact with our FAMILY LIFE TEAM
- Steve Cullum, Youth Pastor
- Stacie Francis, Family Life Ministry Assistant
To Receive Text Messages: Text student or parent to 720.594.4510
Phone: 303.776.8771
Email: students@fclc.org